A WORD IN PASSING - March 2025

                     "Are you the one who was to come, or should we expect someone else?' Matthew 11:3


          It's important to recognise that for the believer doubts do not signify a loss of faith. Rather they signify a faith

   that is being tested; a faith that's being stretched; a faith that's needing to rethink and readjust in order that it may

   grow. And that may be the case whether we've been a follower of Jesus for six months or sixty years!

          But where can we find understanding and encouragement at such times? A physical encounter with Jesus here

   in this life may not be impossible, but for the majority it will be a remote possibility. But there again, so it was for

   John the Baptist locked up in his prison cell. And yet, like John, we can still encounter Jesus through the reports

   brought back to us by fellow Christians as they share with us what Jesus is doing in their lives. And, better than

   John, we can encounter Jesus through the reports of who He is and what He has done and is doing recorded for us

   in Scriptures. And, of course, we can ensure - whether we feel like it or not, whether we feel spiritual or not - that

   our life is open to Him as we wait upon the Spirit of Jesus "to guide us in all truth" John 16:13; to "teach us all

   things and remind us of everything Jesus has said." John 14:26.

         Understanding and encouragement through the testimony of our brothers and sisters in Christ. understanding

   and encouragement through the reading of God's Word. Understanding and encouragement through the ministry

   of the Spirit of Jesus Himself. All these are available to us in our times of questioning and doubt as a means of

   encountering Jesus. But as with John, so with us. In times of questioning and doubt the onus is on us to do

   something to take the initiative away from the negativity, and so channel our efforts into a positive seeking of God

   that we might 'see Him as He is.'

        Doubts and discouragements will come. And understanding and expectations about God may have to change.

   Comforting projections may have to go. Our Christin calling may need to be redefined. But however deep the

   doubts God is deeper still.

                                                                                                                                                                                            Graham Pulham 





                         For more information about the Christian faith, go to www.christianity.org.uk